Gladys Ruiz Diaz was born in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico on July 18, 1930, and died on October 29, 2024 at the age of 94.

Gladys was known for her cheerful character, for her artistic talent as a singer of all musical genres. In addition, she composed songs, prose, poetry, improvised and declaimed. Thank you for the inheritance that you bequeathed us of the love for music and dance. Your admiration, cultivation and love of flowers was unique. Thank you for your existence because thanks to you, we had the privilege of being born and the blessing to enjoy this life. This is not a goodbye but a see you later. You will always be with us and we love you with all our hearts.

Gladys Ruiz Diaz nació en Rio Grande, Puerto Rico el 18 de Julio del 1930 y falleció el 29 de octubre del 2024 a los 94 años. Gladys era conocida por su carácter alegre, por su talento artístico como cantante de todo género musical. Además, componía canciones, prosa, poesía, improvisaba y declamaba. Gracias por la herencia que nos legaste por el amor a la música y al baile. Tu admiración, cultivo y amor hacia las flores era único. Gracias porque atravez de ti tuvimos el privilegio de nacer y disfrutar de esta vida. Esto no es un adiós sino un hasta luego. Siempre estarás con nosotros y te amamos con todo el corazón.

A viewing will be held on November 5, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at A Community Funeral Home & Sunset Cremations, located at 910 W. Michigan Street in Orlando.

A service will be held on November 5, at 1 p.m. at A Community Funeral Home & Sunset Cremations, located at 910 W. Michigan Street in Orlando.